Family infoPTA MembershipDonationPayment
Family info
PTA Membership

Join Shelton View PTA - Parents

Your Membership is not complete until you have 'paid' for a membership type, even if that payment is $0!

The information on this page is used to create your account on the website, and only needs to happen one time if you maintain a current PTA membership account (other than updating student grade/teacher info, or updating address or phone numbers). On the next page you will enter your name again to 'pay' for your annual Membership order.

You can confirm that your membership is complete by going to the My Account page and confirming that you have a current membership order listed. If the 'Orders' section does not have a Membership item, then you are not currently registered as a member! Also, each parent on your account should be listed separately in the 'Parents' section.

Please only fill out "Student info" section on this page if you are the parent/guardian of a student at Shelton View.

If you are registering before your child's teacher is known, select "(not known or not listed)" for the teacher name, and then please update your account information once you find out their teacher! A reminder email will be sent out at the start of the school year.

Teacher/Staff Membership Form

Community Member (non-Parent/Guardian) Membership Form

Click here for a visual walkthrough of the Membership Join process.

Parent info

Choosing a password is not required. But by choosing a password, you will be able to log in to this website later in order to access your account and avoid having to enter your information again. If you don't choose a password now, you can always choose one later.

If your employer matches your charitable contributions, please enter the name of the company. This is so we can confirm your contribution when your company contacts us. However, it is important for you to initiate the matching process for any eligible contributions through your company's own website or process.

This is our regular newsletter which gets distributed by email.
Reminders about upcoming events or deadlines. Also may include volunteer requests or important action items.
These are typically only sent out when there is a last-minute change of plans and we need to get an important announcement out quickly.
Urgent announcements

Choosing a password is not required. But by choosing a password, you will be able to log in to this website later in order to access your account and avoid having to enter your information again. If you don't choose a password now, you can always choose one later.

If your employer matches your charitable contributions, please enter the name of the company. This is so we can confirm your contribution when your company contacts us. However, it is important for you to initiate the matching process for any eligible contributions through your company's own website or process.

This is our regular newsletter which gets distributed by email.
Reminders about upcoming events or deadlines. Also may include volunteer requests or important action items.
These are typically only sent out when there is a last-minute change of plans and we need to get an important announcement out quickly.
Urgent announcements

Student info


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