2022-2023 Standing Rules for Shelton View Elementary PTA 6.10.40

Approved date: 9/22/22

  1. Name & Purpose
    1. The name of this local PTA shall be Shelton View Elementary PTA Northshore Council 6.10.40, a unit of the
      Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers; the local PTA number is 6.10.40.
    2. This PTA serves all children in the Shelton View Elementary community, which includes the residence and
      businesses in the Shelton View Elementary School enrollment area.
  2. State & Federal Status
    1. This local PTA was incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Washington on April 13, 1988 and assigned a corporation number that can be found in the PTA legal binder. It is the responsibility of this local PTA to file the annual corporation report prior to April 30th.
    2. This local PTA is registered with the Secretary of State under the Charitable Solicitations Act. The registration
      number is SHv-188-319. The Treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration prior to May 31 st . The
      Employer Identification Number (EIN)/Federal TAX ID is on file and can also be found in the PTA legal binder.
    3. The IRS recognized this unit as a tax-exempt organization on June 10, 1995, under section 501c3.
    4. This local PTA shall keep at least two notebooks with copies of its legal documents in two (2) separate
      locations. The original will be kept with the Treasurer; the copy will be kept by the President or Co-Presidents.
    5. Per the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, we will annually review, complete, sign and submit the WSPTA
      Standards of Affiliation agreement by the required deadline.
  3. Membership Dues

    1. Membership shall be open to all people without discrimination.
    2. The dues for Shelton View PTA shall not exceed $16.00 for an individual membership, $24.00 for a family membership, $14 for a teacher membership, per year.
    3. The membership dues include state and national membership dues of $8.00 per member and the Northshore Council of $1.50 per member.
    4. Shelton View PTA may offer full or partial membership subsidies to persons requesting them, in accordance with the Membership Subsidy Policy, which shall be reviewed and approved annually at a regular membership meeting.
    5. The students of Shelton View Elementary shall be considered honorary members of this unit without voice, vote or privilege of holding office.
    6. Business sponsorship shall be $35.00
  4. Officers, Committees, Board of Directors & Quorum
    1. The elected officers of this local PTA shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Co-positions can be named as needed for any of these positions except Treasurer. Each co-position holder shall be entitled to voice and vote. These elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
    2. An office on the Executive Committee shall be declared vacant if that person misses three (3) consecutive general membership meetings, unless excused by the President(s), per the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.
    3. An officer of the Executive Committee may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a regularly scheduled meeting or at a meeting called for a such a purpose, should there be cause for removal, such as violation of ethics, policies, or principals of PTA (Bylaws Article 5, Section 6.I).
    4. During the PTA year, at least one member of the executive committee shall attend PTA & the Law, and all elected executive committee members attend at least one training.
    5. A Nominating Committee consisting of no less than three members shall be elected 30 days prior to election of officers in accordance with the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws (Bylaws Article V, Section 5).
    6. All committee chairs shall be current Shelton View Elementary PTA members.
    7. A committee chair must step down after 2(two)consecutive years if another member would like to fill the position.
    8. The Board of Directors of this local PTA shall consist of:
      1. The Executive Committee (the Elected Officers)
      2. The Standing Committee Chairs (listed below)
    9. Voting for officers or nominating committee will generally take place at a general membership meeting, but electronic voting will be permitted as the Board deems appropriate, such as on occasions where inclement weather, local and state emergency, or any circumstance prevents an in-person meeting.
    10. Each Board of Directors member shall have one vote. Board of Directors meetings shall be held when deemed necessary. The Executive Committee will keep an up-to-date listing of Board of Directors members. If one individual holds more than one seat on the Board of Directors, that person is entitled to only one vote.
    11. The Standing Committee Chairs shall be:
      1. Advocacy/Legislative
      2. PTA Membership
      3. Safety/Disaster Preparedness
  5. Meetings
    1. Membership meetings of this unit for the 2021-22 school year shall be held on a Thursday, with public Board of Director’s meetings on a Thursday of the corresponding months. There shall be at least five (5) meetings during the year.
    2. Special membership meetings and special board of directors meetings may be called in accordance with the WSPTA Bylaws (Article5, Sections 10.C & 9.E).
    3. Adoption of the budget, adoption of the standing rules, election of nominating committee, election of officers, and approval of financial review reports shall take place at membership meetings.
    4. Quorum at all membership meetings of this unit shall be ten (10).
    5. Quorum for Board of Directors meetings shall be one more than half of the occupied board positions.
  6. Budget & Finance
    1. Shelton View Elementary PTA shall approve its annual operating budget for the following year in the Spring of each year at a membership meeting. This budget will be voted on again, with any revisions, at the first membership meeting of the fall.
    2. The Board of Directors may reallocate funds budgeted for one purpose to another by a majority vote.
  7. Bank Account & Signers
    1. The PTA shall establish one or more accounts with a financial institution as determined by the Board of Directors. Any such account shall require the signatures of at least two (2) elected officers to make a withdrawal.
    2. The signatures of at least 3 (three) elected officers, including the Treasurer, shall be on the authorized signature card for this PTA’s bank account.
  8. Financial Review
    1. The PTA shall conduct a mid-year financial review of its books and records in January of each year in addition to the required financial review at the close of the fiscal year –June 30 th .
    2. A financial review committee, minimum of three members appointed by the President(s), will review the financial books twice a year. Members of this committee shall not include the Treasurer or any person authorized to sign on the PTA bank accounts for the period that is being reviewed or any individuals living in their households.
  9. Awards
    1. Golden Acorn/Apple Award(s) shall be presented annually to an outstanding volunteer(s) by committee.
  10. Conference & Representations
    1. Voting delegates to the Northshore Council PTSA 6.10 shall be the President and two (2) Authorized Delegates (Bylaws Article 5, Section 3(b) & Northshore Council Standing Rules Section 5d).
    2. The Board of Directors shall determine who shall represent the Shelton View Elementary PTA as voting delegates to the annual WSPTA Convention (Bylaws Article 10, Section 2(c)).
    3. The voting delegate(s) to the WSPTA Legislative Assembly shall be the Advocacy/Legislative Chair, unless otherwise designated by the Board of Directors.
  11. Standing Rules
    1. The standing rules shall be adopted annually by a majority vote no later than the first membership meeting.
    2. The standing rules may be amended at any regular membership meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, or if previous notice is given, by a majority vote.

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